Simple Beneficial Conversion to Pawnbroker Software

Your current Pawn-Magic data can be converted to PPSS format to be used in Pawnbroker Pawn Shop Software.

Take a look at a comparison of PPSS Deluxe, Diamond and 24karat. The cost to convert from PawnMagic to PPSS could be as low as the Deluxe edition ($695) and a data conversion of $295.

There are no forced annual support fees. Support is $25/15 minutes as needed. There is a small annual software maintenance of $295 (to help keep the software current with changes in technology), or a one-time payment of $395.

A free live tutorial is available to assure that you're happy with the software prior to purchase so feel free to take advantage of the tutorial first.

Reports can be sent to LEADS online and local police.

Guns can be placed on hold and in the 24k edition.

With the 24k edition, drivers licenses can be scanned to populate a new-pawner record, saving on keystrokes and avoiding errors. There is an 'electronic gun log', 'electronic finger printing and support of a web cam.

The program is capable of processing pawns, resales, payday and title loans, rentals and check cashing. An optional module is available for consignment ($395).

With Diamond or 24k adhesive labels and nonadhesive hang tags (with or without barcodes) can be printed for label sizes from jewelry to 4 x 4 shipping labels (using a thermal label printer).

Oh what great plans our competitors have for ripping your pawn shop with never-ending and ever-increasing costs for choosing the software programs.

Some of them have 'web-based software' that stops when you stop paying. If you step on this land mine, you'll pay out the nose every month to 'rent' the software and in the end, there will be nothing for the money spent.

Others offer software with big price tags up front and require a monthly or annual 'support fee' so in essence the software is a 'lead product' and the real money starts flowing after purchase for 'support'.

Keep in mind that these are young guys with big aspirations of sipping Mai Tais on a beach somewhere at your expense. They party on your dime and they home to retire (early) on your dime. Demagoguery? No. Just the way it is.

Just say no to rip-off pawn software offers. Get Pawnbroker Pawn Shop Software. Pay once. Pay a small annual amount to support maintenance of the software and use the savings to take your own break on your favorite beach.

You won't pay big monthly or annual payments to use Pawnbroker Pawn Shop Software. Instead, pay once for software and hardware. Pay a small pittance for dependable maintenance of the program upon which your business depends. That's fair.

Choose one of the 4 editions of PPSS that suits you best and use it for your lifetime.

We love Idaho, potatoes and people from Idaho. We would love to earn your business with an upright effort to serve your business with reasonable pricing and policies. Really though we love alfalfa more ;)

Pawn Magic Software

Googling for 'pawn magic' doesn't return a website listing for this software name. There is no website for As with so many small software developers it appears that PawnMagic has been discontinued.