The New Jersey Pawn Ticket

Pawnbroker Pawn Shop Software includes a built-in editable pawn ticket that prints on letter-size paper using any standard ink printer. When changes are needed, edit the ticket and the changes will print on the next ticket. Plain-paper tickets avoid two costs of preprinted pawn forms: the original cost and the cost of discarding outdated forms.

N.J. Pawnbrokers Act, N.J.S.A.45:22-2

The NJ Department of Banking and Insurance Licensing Services Bureau application and instructions for applying for licenses (for Motor Vehicle Installment Seller, Home Repair Contractor, Pawnbroker, and Check Casher) are accessible at

The non-refundable fees are:

It is not clear if the fees are refundable if the application is denied. It's unlikely in that 'All fees submitted are non-refundable is in bold and underlined. That's a question that might be put to the State at or to (609) 292-7272. Follow the prompts and select option #3, then option #2 then option #1.

This is the mailing address:

Licensing Services Bureau
Dept of Banking and Insurance
P.O. Box 473
Trenton, NJ 08625

A somewhat unique requirement is an audited financial statement prepared by a CPA. In addition a $1,000 surety bond is required for each location and an insurance policy must be presented with adequate coverage for liability and fire against fire, theft, burglary and other causes of losses.

Also required are passport photos, a 'Personal Certification Form', fingerprints and proof of payment for fingerprints.

There are a number of questions, some overlapping, about criminal past with this in bold/all caps: "MAKING A FALSE STATEMENT MAY SUBJECT YOU TO CONTEMPT OF COURT."

Every pawn shop in the nation is now required to ask every pawner if he or she is active military. It is necessary to enter identifying information about the pawner at the DMDC website to search for military status and it's required that the search results be recorded.

The Military Lending Act (MLA) restricts the amount of charges for military people and their dependents to 36% APR. PPSS is compliant with the Act.

Pawnbroker Pawn Shop Software allows for pawn ticket to be printed in New Jersey on plain paper using any ink printer. The ticket can be customized to read as required by law as well as the provisions of the shop. This feature avoids more expensive pre-printed pawn forms which also become useless as changes are needed. With PPSS, just make the changes in the program and the next ticket will print correctly.

Pawnbroker Pawn Shop Software
Great value is pawnbroker software...

Vendors offering similar pawn software will take in a lot more money over time from charges for 'support' than they will for the initial purchase of their programs and they have ways of forcing those payments to be made (by disabling the software, by requiring allegedly 'legally-binding' long-term agreements, by denying support in all forms, by withholding software updates). In contrast there is only a small annual 'software maintenance of $295' starting in yr 2 with PPSS. There are no prepayments for support. There are no ongoing fees for support. Instead payment for support is made when help is requested so if help is never needed, money will not have been wasted on something that didn't exist - help.

Pawnbroker Pawn Shop Software
