Pawndex Pawn Software Cost Revealed

How much does Pawndex cost? There is no cost disclosure on the Pawndex website (, which as of 2024 is expired). It looks like it was necessary to call for pricing.

These prices were provided by a recent inquirer:

The 10-year cost of Pawndex software can be $7,500 for the buy, pawn, POS and inventory program - $1,500 up front plus the annual fee. The annual fee is $540 or $30 per 5 minute phone call plus $20 for every 5 minutes. Pricing does not include hardware and the annual fee is subject to increases.

Previously from the Pawndex website:

"Pawndex support agreements are completely optional. Pawndex does not require a monthly or annual fee to keep it working, like many of the other software packages for pawnshops."

Heads up: There is no disclosure as to the consequences of NOT paying the annual fee.

From the Pawndex website:

"If you are here, investigating Pawndex, because of the way you've been treated, or from the never ending costs you get with other pawnshop software, then you've come to the right place. Integrity - Complete disclosure before the sale. You know exactly what you’re getting. NO Surprises!"

Comment: A website should be used to disclose as well as sell, sell, sell. Failing to disclose the downside (potential costs, increasing cost and the penalties for NOT paying the annual fee) is no different from other high-priced offerings attempting to start a relationship with deception.

From the Pawndex website:

"We respect our customers and give them the most valuable thing we have...our time."

Observation: Yes, at the rate of $540 per year or $30 per 5 minute phone call plus $20 for every 5 minutes - all subject to increases.

The Elephant in the Room


Future Cost Risk

Once locked into a software program it's fairly certain that the 'annual fee' or phone rates will be increased. Shop owners are loathed to switch to another program even when warnings about rising costs come to fruition.

What is the cost to add more stations or to open other locations? Not disclosed on the website...

Demo User Comment:

"Looks like an old DOS program."

Lowest Cost! Pawnbroker Pawn Shop Software

Every pawn shop program with the exception of Pawnbroker Pawn Shop Software forces monthly or annual payments for alleged 'support'. Why buy a program that requires so much 'support'? We have no prepayments for support and there are no ongoing forced payments for support. There is a modest annual fee to help cover the cost of maintaining the program.

A couple of software providers will show up at your front door to help you learn the program. Why buy a program that requires a day or two to learn? We provide a free live demo and help with setting up and using hardware (printers, etc) and it's done.

Pawnbroker Pawn Shop Software is a one-time payment for lifetime use. Prices are lower because they aren't padded with prepayment for support. Overall long-term cost is way lower because there are no forced payments for support. If you don't keep paying 'the other guys' your program will stop working.

Ongoing ever-increasing support fees are great for the software provider but for you - not so much.

Come to us for a free live demo. We won't accept payment until you're satisfied with the program and with knowing what you're costs are going to be after purchase.

Pawnbroker Pawn Shop Software Updates

Every software program is a work in progress. Improvements are made. 'Bugs' are fixed. Special situations are addressed. 'Updating' means installing the latest version of the software to obtain the most recent improvements.

Edition and Version #

The software edition and version appear in the upper left corner in PPSS. In this example the edition is 24karat and the version is 6.0.2372:

To Update Your Program:

Send an email to Support with your name, shop name and PPSS edition (Intro, Deluxe, Diamond or 24karat) and a note that you would like to update. We will reply with instructions.

The Cost-Effective Alternative

Pawnbroker Pawn Shop Software - One payment for lifetime use and no forced annual or monthly support fees.

Free Software Help